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Finding Balance In the Chaos of Life

So much is on our plate right now, and with the stress the world situation has put us through in these last few years, it's hard to see straight sometimes. When we're stressed, we tend to get down on ourselves and we don't prioritize our well being. Even worse, stress actually makes us more susceptible to illness, which is always hard to deal with when we have to work more as the prices of everything go upwards.

There is a lot of talk about going "back" to the simplicity of life. Seems crazy, since in a certain sense, people used to work harder than we do now, at least physically. But that really means honing in on the things that really matter in our life.

Taking in the world around us, letting nature nurture us. Being present with our loved ones. Taking time to self reflect, evolve, make and achieve even simple goals. Moving our bodies instead of vegging for hours in front of a screen. Cooking a meal for ourselves, and even growing some of our own food.

How do we do this when we are working constantly to pay our bills and become as successful as the millionaires on Instagram? A lot of this finding balance has to do with being able to observe ourselves, and see what we are really doing with our time. Most of us are not using our time as splendidly as we think. I, for one, observe this almost daily in my own life, especially when I'm stressed out and anxious. Yes, I waste more time when I'm anxious. And I could just accept that, but then I would allow myself to dig a hole to live in and actually not move forward out of the rut.

So the balance comes when we observe our weak points, choose to love ourselves anyway, and give ourselves to the task of transformation. We transform the time we waste into time we use to flourish. Maybe that's adding a workout into our morning or evening for fifteen minutes. Maybe that's gua sha on our face and neck after work. Perhaps it's researching where we can buy local raw milk or meat raised by a small farmer in our area-nourishing our body better and supporting a small humane business at the same time. Perhaps it's a weekly or monthly hike.

So, moving forward, how will you find some balance? Message me on Instagram @bodysoulspiritfitness_, or send an email to I would be delighted to hear from you!

xo, Natalie

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